Volunteer experience

Veterinary schools desire applicants who have demonstrated a long-term commitment to serving others. If you plan to apply to veterinary school you should endeavor to gain experience serving the community through volunteer activities. Community service activities are very important in helping you build the interpersonal skills you will need as a veterinarian.

The Bloomington Volunteer Network (https://www.bloomingtonvolunteernetwork.org/) can link you with opportunities to get involved.

During the application cycle to veterinary schools, they will be interested to know the following: What did you gain through volunteering? How did volunteering change you? Why was the experience important or meaningful to you?

Consider also becoming involved in the Pre-Vet Club. Watch for announcements of meetings on the HPPLA Prevet Email List.

When choosing how to volunteer consider this question: “If you had the power to change one thing in the world, what would it be?”  Depending on your answer – whether it is protecting the environment, improving human and animal welfare, promoting science education, or something else – think about a way in which you could work to make a small difference in the lives of others in your community. For some advice on how to do that, come meet with a HPPLA advisor!